Welcome Back Citizens,
We have been a bit busy with our duty a Patriots, so please accept sincere apologies for not posting this expose article sooner.
For those whom may be interested, this editor’s next expose, now being researched for April publication, will focus on energy with a different aspect of analysis than we reported previously.
There are lots of documents to examine and verify, so look for it in the near future next month.
Give Back My Man, A President Who Delivers What He Promised:
This expose article will provide focused truth on just what companies are paying their fair share of taxes, with verified data sources, and what companies are bilking the taxpayers out of HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars.
Who pays? YOU, the citizens of the United States AND the energy companies that actually pay taxes.
Just like The B-52s said in 1980, when we had a President In Ronald Reagan who could at least admit his faults and ask for forgiveness when he made mistakes, how does anyone “Give Back My Man”, the President of our United States, unless he can admit to his failings like the rest of us?
Citizens, are we really talking about the very same President, Barack Obama, who promised us all an “All of the Above” energy policy and a balanced budget when he was elected? Yes citizens, it is the very same President, Barack Obama, who provides a “Some of The Above” energy policy if he feels like it, with massive “fish and candy” tax giveaways to his unethical corporate cronies as listed below!
Or do you simply want free “fish and candy” promises, paid for by others from Barack Obama as the famous song from The B-52’s indicates?
Is it worth the cost of TRILLIONS in budget overspending and borrowing when solutions are available without attacking the very companies that make the United States economy viable as we have previously reported? My response? No way! It should be yours too!
Have you had it up to your eyeballs with President Barack Obama’s so-called war on our potential for United States Energy Security available today? How do you feel about that $5 a gallon gasoline citizens thanks to The Democrats blocking Keystone XL, ANWR and Offshore energy ?
Do you, like many in the United States, wish that President Barack Obama would simply do his job to ensure North American Energy Security that would provide hundreds of thousands of well paying jobs like being accomplished in North Dakota and elsewhere in the United States where wages are fifteen to twenty dollars an hour for flipping burgers at McDonalds? And with a $300 signing bonus to boot!
Are you sick and tired of the fibber President Barack Obama and his minions attempts at brainwashing you about who is actually paying their fair share on income taxes, and who is not?
If you are like over half of the population of the United States who are not liberally brainwashed by the President and his minions, these facts might not come as a surprise.
If you are a liberal, and we certainly respect your opinion, even if it is incorrect, this expose will provide irrefutable shocking facts that the major corporations not paying income taxes in the United States are NOT the oil companies. The oil companies documented below are in fact the largest taxpayers in the United States of America, already contributing more than their fair share.
No, as you can witness below, the tax avoidance offenders are giant corporations receiving huge unfair tax breaks with a wink, a nod, and a pat on the backside from the Obama Administration.
All the while, the Obama Administration is incorrectly vilifying the energy companies that keep the United States coffers full, allow our industries to excel, each of whom pay the largest amount of taxes into the United States Federal Treasury.
First let us examines some of the most notable tax offenders who are bilking you, the taxpayer each and every year.
You may rightfully ask who ultimately pays for their HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of questionable deductions?
We are sad to let you know that it is YOU citizens who pay for their lavish lifestyles with your tax dollars, funneled to them by President Barack Obama and his unethical minions!
Since 2012 tax data in not yet available, we include the latest available verifiable tax data on the effective tax rate percentages (or negative tax rates), that you, the citizens of the United States are paying for with your tax dollars from tax year 2011.
Verizon Communications
Profits: $19.8 billion
Income taxes paid: NONE
Effective tax rate: -3.8%
Source: Verizon public tax documents verified by Center for Responsive Politics
General Electric
Profits: $19.6 billion
Income taxes paid: NONE
Effective tax rate: -18.9%
Source: GE public tax verified by Center for Responsive Politics
Profits: $14.8 billion
Income taxes paid: NONE
Effective tax rate: -5.5%
Source: Boeing public tax documents verified by Center for Responsive Politics
NextEra Energy: North America’s largest solar and wind power operator, based in Florida
Profits: $8.8 billion
Income taxes paid: NONE
Effective tax rate: -2%
Source: NetAra public tax documents verified by Center for Responsive Politics
American Electric Power: Electric utility based in Columbus, Ohio
Profits: $8.2 billion
Income taxes paid: NONE
Effective tax rate: -6.4%
Source: AEC public tax documents verified by Center for Responsive Politics
Pacific Gas & Electric: California electrical utility
Profits: $6 billion
Income taxes paid: NONE
Effective tax rate: -8.4%
Source: California Public Utility Commission tax documents verified by Center for Responsive Politics
Apache: Houston-based electric utility company
Profits: $6 billion
Income taxes paid: NONE
Effective tax rate: -0.3%
Source: Apache public tax documents verified by Center for Responsive Politics
Consolidated Edison: New York energy company
Profits: $5.9 billion
Income taxes paid: NONE
Effective tax rate: -1.3%
Source: ConEd NYC public tax documents verified by Center for Responsive Politics
CenterPoint Energy: Electric utility company based in Houston
Profits: $3.1 billion
Income taxes paid: NONE
Effective tax rate: -11.3%
Source: Centerpoint public tax documents verified by Center for Responsive Politics
Now let’s take a look at what companies are actually paying their taxes like all good companies should, unlike the Obama minions, Corporate Goldbrickers all, as listed above.
Income taxes paid: $27.3 billion
Profits: $41 billion
Effective tax rate: 42%
Data: Thomson Reuters Fundamentals via FactSet Research Systems.
Income taxes paid: $17.4 billion
Profits: $26.9 billion
Effective tax rate: 43.3%
Data: Thomson Reuters Fundamentals via FactSet Research Systems.
Income taxes paid: $10.6 billion
Profits: $12.4 billion
Effective tax rate: 45.6%
Data: Thomson Reuters Fundamentals via FactSet Research Systems.
JPMorgan Chase
Income taxes paid: $8.2 billion
Profits: $19 billion
Effective tax rate: 29.1%
Data: Thomson Reuters Fundamentals via FactSet Research Systems.
Wal-Mart Stores
Income taxes paid: $5.9 billion
Profits: $15.7 billion
Effective tax rate: 32.6%
Data: Thomson Reuters Fundamentals via FactSet Research Systems.
Income taxes paid: $5.3 billion
Total revenue: $72 billion
Profits: $23.5 billion
Effective tax rate: 15.9%
Data: Thomson Reuters Fundamentals via FactSet Research Systems.
Wells Fargo
Income taxes paid: $4.9 billion
Total revenue: $87.6 billion
Profits: $15.9 billion
Effective tax rate: 31.5%
Data: Thomson Reuters Fundamentals via FactSet Research Systems.
International Business Machines (IBM)
Income taxes paid: $4.2 billion
Total revenue: $107 billion
Profits: $15.9 billion
Effective tax rate: 24.5%
Data: Thomson Reuters Fundamentals via FactSet Research Systems.
Income taxes paid: $4 billion
Total revenue: $128 billion
Profits: $33 billion
Effective tax rate: 24.6%
Data: Thomson Reuters Fundamentals via FactSet Research Systems.
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold
Income taxes paid: $3.4 billion
Total revenue: $20.9 billion
Profits: $4.6 billion
Effective tax rate: 35%
Data: Thomson Reuters Fundamentals via FactSet Research Systems.
In closing for now, as you can see for yourselves, the oil companies are not the villains in all of this. So there you have it and now you know that being told how “bad” those oil company “tax breaks” are is patently false!
They are NOT “bad” as you as being brainwashed to believe by The President and the Main Stream Media. As you can see from the effective tax rates the oil companies, whom are paying their fair share as documented, the President and his minions, including the MSM are NOT telling you the truth.
The deductions for oil drilling and exploration cost factors are not that much different from the tax deductions that pharmaceutical and many other companies that are allowed to take deductions for research and development.
Does President Barack Obama and his Democrat minions in the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives propose taking those away too from all the companies in the United States as well?
At what cost? MILLIONS of jobs for citizens in the United States that is what!
As for the domestic manufacturing income tax deduction, every other company that manufactures anything in the United States can deduct up to 9% of the income they generate on those goods. Right now, oil companies only get a 6% deduction on the oil and gas they produce.
Why are the oil companies being treated unfairly, and what can you do about it to “Give Back My Man” and our country from the clutches of misguided policies being inflicted on the United States by President Barack Obama and insider trading minions like GoldBrickers, Senator Diane Feinstein, do nothing, budget-less Senate Leader Harry Reid, and corrupt Congressperson Nancy Pelosi?
Simple! Call, write, post on Facebook and tweet to President Barack Obama and The Democrats that enough is enough and stop making villains of the oil, natural gas and coal producing companies!
Tell the United States Congress to make the Corporate Goldbrickers pay their fair share and stop printing money, worth less each day, at the Federal Reserve providing the countless Obama giveaway freebies that are bankrupting the United States.
And most importantly, vote to remove The Democrats from power in 2014 before it is too late for our children and grandchildren to fix the finger pointing, financially ruinous bankrupt mess The Democrats have created over the past four years!
Thank you.
Stay tuned as Kenn from RockwaterReports announces more of our new Real News series in the future!
In the meantime, please feel free to share this article with your friends, co-workers and or family by clicking one of the icons below. We thank you for visiting and express our sincere gratitude for doing so!
Feel free to visit me on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story. I and the RockwaterReports look forward to sharing more Patriots News with you in the future!
Thank you.
Best Regards,
A few dozen decades ago, the Brothers Grimm wrote a charming story about two children. These poor waifs ended up lost in the mean dark forest (America?) to fend for themselves. They came across an amazing sight – a house made of candy. Naturally, although the children were thrilled that they could fill their bellies with the yummy treats, there was a terrible and evil surprise waiting inside for them. Thankfully, this story had a happy ending when Hansel and Gretel were able to kill the wicked witch by pushing her into her own oven.
Maybe it is time for Hansel and Gretel to take out another witch. Good luck with that.
Hi Patricia,
Know you have been busy working on research for one our our next blockbuster expose, so thanks for you “Hansel and Gretel” analogy comment. Yes with Barack Obama and the Democrats being fibbers about the sequester, we need some “good luck”.
The tragic thing is that our liberals are doing the same thing as your conservative Prime Minister Harper, not telling this citizens the truth, only seeking to retain their power as we have discussed and written about.
Best Regards,
Kenn of RockwaterReports
PS: News expose publishes in a few minutes about a huge deceit by President Obama
This is a nice article exposing President Obama who is giving away billions of dollars to his political cronies like George Soros and major corporations and going around telling lies instead of doing his job leading our nation by cutting the overgrown United States government now on the verge of bankruptcy by printing trillions of dollars making our currency worthless. Thank you.
Lady Liberty
Thank you Lady Liberty for your nice comment.
There is no doubt that President Barack Obama and his Democrat minions have failed on their latest effort to use fake scare tactics about the sequester.
Moreover, if ANWR and Offshore energy sources were not being blocked by the Democrats for the past 30 years as we reported here https://rockwaterreports.com/?p=215 the United States would not only not have to deal with President Obama’s mandated sequester, the United States would be energy independent today.
How sad the Democrats and President Obama are by not acting to add $200 BILLION a year in new Federal and State revenues, instead deliberately choosing to tell fibs to the US citizens on a daily basis.
Hope to see you here again in the future for our next expose coming soon.
Best Regards,
Kenn of RockwaterReports
PS to “I love Barack” – You’re CAPS LOCK key appears to be broken. I could fix that for you since I am pretty good with computers, servers, keyboard repairs and even foul mouths.
Best Regards,
Kenn of RockwaterReports
Who do I think I am? I know who I am. My name is Weeks, Kenn Weeks, and I am the Managing Editor of RockwaterReports. Who the “F” are you?
No third strike for you. Apparently washing your mouth out with soap will not work. I suspect you are the same person I had to block on Twitter since every other word out of your foul mouth is either F**K or S**T
You are now banned from posting further comments here. Have a nice day.
Best Regards,
F**k you!
I love Barack Obama, I love my free food stamps that feed my kids and I love my free cell phone that lets me surf the web to read your crap!
I love Barack
Hello I love Barack,
First off, I edited out your foul mouth word but left two letters to retain your “flavor”. We have a policy: You are welcome to post here so long as you do not use foul swear words.
You speak of your kids and free cell phones. I’ll bet you and they have free cell phones from Verizon Communications? Verizon is largest provider of “Obama phones” which is one of the reasons they pay no taxes to help feed your children with “free” food stamps. Food stamps are not really “free” you know. Hard working citizens pay taxes that help feed your kids. You should thank them.
By the way, did you know Verizon gets tax credits, probably from working members of your families paychecks (income taxes) for giving away free Obama phones? Don’t you think Verizon should pay their fair share of taxes and give away the phones themselves for “free” to poor people until they get a job?
In any event, you should consider washing your mouth out with soap to set a good example for your kids who might even read this one day. Using swear words is a tactic of the weak.
Thanks for your opinion. As we stated here, we respect it even if you are incorrect.
Best Regards,
Kenn of RockwaterReports
PS: Get a job and get off the public dole, you will feel better about yourself.
Great posts here. Keep up the effort please. As Nancy Reagan is famous for “Just Say No!” to Barack Obama and his wasteful bankrupt policies!
Tea Drinker
Hello Tea Drinker,
We will do so and thank you for your nice comments.
Best Regards,
Kenn of RockwaterReports
I follow you on Twitter and completely agree. I want the corporations not paying taxes to have an alternative minimum tax system say at least 20% and the President to lay off at least 25% of the government workers (not military) and balance the budget.
Nice web site. You are new to the game of political news, but it looks like you are getting fair amount of traffic for a new news site. Keep posting these good articles. Thanks.
Hi Patriot,
I appreciate your comment on my expose and agree. A CPI adjusted minimum tax should be paid by everyone of all income brackets, including corporations. There is no excuse for middle class taxpayers funding huge corporations like General Electric, Verizon and others mentioned (there are many more Goldbrickers).
It is obvious that income tax system in the USA is a failure that should be replaced by a VAT tax and national sales tax with no deductions allowed to make sure every citizen and company pays an equal percentage.
In closing, yes, we have a long way to go compared with huge news sites. We work hard to provide researched articles that have blasted both the liberals and the conservatives.
Hope you drop by again. Thanks.
Best Regards,
Kenn of RockwaterReports