Hello citizens of the United States, Canada, and the World!
Today we are going to share a story that spans five decades. Juxtaposing the “then” with the “now”. We ask that you consider the content carefully. The starkness of the reality to be discussed should be considered a warning regarding the corrupt lawlessness of President Barack Obama, his administration, and his corrupt minions, the “do nothing” Democrat Senator’s in the United States Congress, Goldbrickers all!
The horrid examples documented herein are not only detrimental to the State of the Union in the United States of America, they are detrimental to all citizens regardless of political affiliation seeking shelter within freedom!
In 2013, after investing over five years of work (and considerable amounts of money) building the WormholeRiders News Agency (WHR) brand, subsequent to the passing of my 87 year old World War Two veteran father in December of 2012 (pictured right), it was time to enjoy some vacation!
Little did I know that I was to find an unexpected, in fact unwelcome surprise of a negative nature in the early weeks of July 2013.
Two incidents in specific, one that began in 2011 would be shockers to say the very least. That they were not the only ones occurring should be considered disconcerting to all citizens in the United States!
Not knowing what malcontent behavior lay just up ahead, I determined it was therefore completely appropriate for me to take my leave of absence from Twitter, Facebook, and even WHR itself to enjoy a well deserved vacation.
The Plan:
My thoughts focused on visiting some of the places my Father and my World War One Veteran, U.S. Marine Grandfather (Henry Thomas Weeks) had taken me as a young lad some 45 to 50 years ago in the past including going to “The Beach” which was only a few blocks from his and Grandma’s home in San Francisco.
After making up my mind to “vacay”, as the youth of today refer to a vacation, I planned many months for an exciting road trip to return to many of the cherished memories of my youth. Schedule set, my journey was to begin in late June 2013, and end in mid July of 2013.
My mission? To explore many of the historic military installations and associated nearby parks located near, and or in San Francisco in Northern California within the United States of America.
Historic icons I was to enjoy included the Golden Gate Bridge, Fort Point, Milagra Ridge Nike Installation, Crissy Field, Ocean Beach, the Cliff House, Lake Merced, Golden Gate Park, and nearby Baker Beach located in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA), to name but a few places I had enjoyed as a young boy and teenager with Dad and Grandpa!
I had many fond memories of earlier days in the mid to late 1960’s when, even then, certain areas were under protection of the United States Park Service Police (USPP).
In those days of the 1960’s, due in part to World War Two and the military nature of The Presidio of San Francisco, the areas existed in a patchwork of overlapping San Francisco city, county, California State and United States Federal parks that sometimes lead to jurisdictional disputes between various law enforcement agencies. What I was to learn in July 2013 would make these disputes of five decades ago pale in comparison and make the skin crawl for any law abiding citizen!
One of my earliest and most fun memories was trout fishing with Dad and Grandpa at the once famous Lake Merced Boathouse in a rented boat (sadly, a boat rental service is no longer offered due to exorbitant insurance liability rates).
Now under repair, the Lake Merced Boathouse is to become a community center in late 2013 that will hopefully lead to a restoration of the entire environs, including maintaining the legendary Pacific Rod and Gun Club located across the lake where Dad, Grandpa and I used to go “skeet shooting“.
I recall from the 1966 adventures getting up at 4 AM in avid anticipation with Dad and Grandpa! The excitement to be at the fog shrouded boat ramps for a wonderful fishing adventure was a great memory. One of those occasions included Dad draining the car battery after leaving the lights on in the station wagon.
An interesting trivia question: Does anyone remember station wagons?
Thankfully, a helpful USPP Ranger was nearby subsequent to our fishing trip at the Lake Merced Boathouse. As an officer there to ‘Protect and Serve”, the USPP Ranger was happy to provide a “jump” for Dad’s dead station wagon battery so we could go to Grandpa and Grandma’s home in the quaint, but often foggy Sunset District of San Francisco.
After fishing and shooting, we always went to Grandpa’s home to eat Grandma’s classic pan fried trout saturated in real butter, served with fresh hash brown potatoes, orange slices, Grandpa’s famous homemade biscuits made with Bisquick and whole milk! Dad and Grandpa often had shots of whiskey much to the dismay of Grandma!
I clearly remember the “battery jump’ incident and many other visits to the lake as late as 2004 under the honorable President George W. Bush. In those days the USPP Rangers were always courteous, professional and helpful. Many of these courteous officers often shot skeet at the nearby Pacific Rod and Gun Club with Dad, my Grandpa (before his passing in the late 1970’s) and I.
These were pleasant memories about how much fun It always was to visit Lake Merced after catching the legal limit of fish. The friendly USPP Ranger’s and State Marshal’s always inspected our fishing baskets in a professional manner to make sure we did not have more trout than was allowed.
In 2013, the entire region is under the custodial care of the United States Park Service Police (USPP) subsequent to the creation of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) in 1972.
Signed into USA Federal law under President Richard M. Nixon, I was stunned to learn that the GGNRA and USPP, now serving under President Barack Obama are no longer the professional, courteous, or even friendly “battery jumping” police service I recalled from the fishing trips of my youth with Dad and Grandpa in the 1960’s and 1970’s.
In fact the entire incident I experienced reflects poorly on the current United States government and it’s ongoing unprofessional behavior as a whole. Both generally and specifically these behaviors are caused by the lawless manifestations of our current President, Barack Obama, who has (from his own unconstitutional actions) has taught official US Federal agencies (e.g. IRS, State Department [Benghazi], NSA) how to violate the United States Constitution now, and worry about consequences and the news media later, if at all.
Since Obama was elected in 2008 and his re-election in 2012, lawless government behavior, to the dismay of citizens, has gotten worse in the United States.
Without going into too terribly much detail, it went like this; It was July 03, 2013 at 11:30 PM. Some four hours earlier, I had been walking and doing a little jogging on one of the many well lit park trails along the GGNRA coast which I learned later now close at 10 PM local time.
Many of these places used to be open 24 hours a day in the 1960’s and 1970’s before the GGNRA and President Barack Obama’s threats to close parks rather than open ANWR, Shale and Offshore energy to raise hundreds of billions in new Federal revenue creating millions of good paying jobs.
In the “Olden Days” many of these San Francisco parks even welcomed overnight campers, virtually a thing of the past since overnight camping in the GGNRA is NOT allowed in San Francisco in 2013 due to Obama’s policy failures including his irresponsible “War on Energy” depriving millions from getting good career jobs, funds to balance the US budget, and repay the 17 TRILLION in national debt.
Even on Ocean Beach or at Land’s End, both of which have ample parking facilities, my family remembers camping on these historic spots where it is now forbidden. Only in one place, Fort Funston (on the south most border with San Mateo County) still allows camping. What has happened to our country people? Who is dictating these policies?
I had parked in a brightly lit parking lot that was not posted as to when that or nearby sections closed. Like the past in 1966 with Dad, I too had left my lights on and drained the battery in my vehicle. By the time I returned to my car, I and my vehicle were the only person or thing there and my car would not start.
Recalling pleasant memories from my youth, I knew that someone from the USPP would likely be around soon to check on the area. I felt confident I could ask him or her for a battery jump and so be on my way.
When the USPP Ranger vehicle arrived, the officer did not act pleasant or even courteous. Instead, he was rude, impatient and quite unprofessional. His behavior made it clear he felt put upon that he actually had to be of “Service” to “Protect” a US citizen.
Let us not forget it is his service, the USPP, who works for us, the citizens, not the other way around. The officer brusquely asked “what I was doing there in the parking lot?”
I was shocked by his behavior, but I responded to his question calmly; “dead battery”, and could he “please give me a (battery) jump?”
To me it seemed obvious what I was doing there since I already tried to start the car to demonstrate the dead battery to him.
The young officer, whose name I will leave unmentioned at this time, said that recent changes in the USPP law under President Obama “did not allow him to do so” (give a battery jump).
This seemed to be a flimsy, in fact made up excuse by an officer who should be dedicated to “Protect and Serve” the citizens of the United States within the GGNRA by helping them when and if in need.
I was truly surprised at his response since I keep abreast of such things (changes in the law) and had never heard of a Federal Officer being directed to not assist, to not “Protect and Serve”, a citizen in need. Especially since it was late at night (11:30 PM), and less than thirty minutes before our national holiday, Independence Day 2013. Surely, in the spirit of the 4th of July the officer would give a citizen a “battery jump”?
No dice, his behavior was downright bellicose and for no good reason!
To make matters more disappointing, I informed the officer that I had called for road side assistance for my battery some time ago, but they informed me that were busy and would not arrive for at least another hour.
Seemingly upset about being “put upon” (to “Protect and Serve”), the USPP Ranger proceeded to write me a “parking ticket” even though I was not “parked” and was clearly in need of his “protection and service”. It was not to be, I was not to be protected or served on July 04, 2013!
The USPP Ranger then informed me, obviously in a bad mood he had to be of “Service” to a citizen in distress, that;
1). He did not like having to come back to check the park later, and
2). He would have my vehicle towed and impounded even though I had not committed any moving violations, was violating no posted parking signs, and merely needed a “battery jump”.
I asked nicely (again) if he would please simply jump my vehicle so that I could leave, and sincerely stated that I was sorry my car had a dead battery. The USPP Ranger rudely refused to “Protect” or be of “Service”. Now he was stating a different reason that he could not help; “that (battery) jumping a (my) car could damage the electrical system of his police cruiser.” What a load of tripe!
As an electrical engineer by profession, knowing that no such thing (damaging his police cruiser) was possible, I was simply flabbergasted. The USPP Ranger was clearly blaming Barack Obama (The President does have many mistakes and policy failures to be held accountable for), and was obviously making things up (lying) about “damaging his police cruiser” by helping a citizen with a “battery jump”. I know because I verified this later. There is no such Federal USPP law forbidding an officer from helping a citizen by jumping a vehicle battery.
The USPP officer simply did not want to “Protect and Serve” a citizen, or live up to his own USPP Motto which states; (provide) “Integrity, Honor, Service”. This officer may have had a “bad hair day”, but that is no excuse under any circumstance.
This incident illustrates what a sad state of affairs we live in the USA in 2013 under the lawless and unconstitutional yoke of Barack Obama’s tyranny, how low the United States has fallen from a motto of “Integrity, Honor, Service” over the past 45-50 years as is now revealed.
The United States has become a virtual police state under President Barack Obama as recently documented by Global Research with little or no concern demonstrated by The Democrats for its citizens, their lives, jobs, or the economy.
The only thing Barack Obama seemingly knows how to ‘Protect and Serve” is to jury-rig the electorate and keep his corrupt minions bloated salaries, and the benefits of their pork laden jobs that we pay for!
Tragically, this is not the only incident documenting that Barack Obama’s government is out of control abusing citizens by law enforcement emboldened by the President’s lawlessness. My incident has brought to our attention other abuses, each of whom, politicians included, who are supposed to “Protect and Serve” the citizens they work for, but do not!
Family Arrested, Harassed, Home Occupied by Rogue SWAT Team!
Under provisions enshrined in the United States Constitution, specifically the Third Amendment, “No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.”
Well that is not what has been happening in the United States since Barack Obama became President.
Two years ago on July 10, 2011, in Henderson Nevada in the United States, an innocent family had their home invaded as we discovered and reported!
For no legal reason, heavily armed SWAT members occupied their family property without permission or court order as reported by the left wing Huffington Post!
Was this incident in Henderson Nevada a matter of terrorism threatening dozens, hundreds or even thousands of lives? Were the family members in question threatening others (their neighbors) lives with firearms? Nope. It is now known that the police simply wanted their home to spy on a neighboring house where the husband and wife had been arguing!
This is not a simple matter having much in common with the law breaking examples. To not be accused of bias, the family called one of their parents home a few blocks away to get some legal help since they were forbidden from leaving their own residence!
What happened next? You guessed it!
The heavily armed SWAT members went to the elderly parents home and arrested them too for so-called “obstructing justice” when nothing like that had ever happened. President Barack Obama’s Justice Department under Eric Holder should have taken action immediately, but like many other law breaking antics (Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the Internal Revenue Service, NSA) and other scandals, nothing has been done to stop the Obama Democrat Dictatorship now overwhelming the United States!
Thank goodness neither of these innocent parties needed a “battery jump” or their cars would have been threatened to have been towed and impounded instead of an officer’s motto to “Protect and Serve”!
Naturally, a legal action has been required due to the failure of the Obama Administration to “Protect and Serve” not only the rights enshrined within the United States Constitution, but her citizens as well!
Corrective Action Required – Charm School:
Despite the unprofessional nature of the USPP officer, my vacation was 99% enjoyable and fun. I met citizens from all over the world on “vacay” in San Francisco.
Most I spoke with say they admire Americans, but many spoke of how Barack Obama has not lived up to his campaign promises he made to the USA and to the world.
Others of whom I spoke with (a nice Sikh family pictured above right) expressed genuine dismay that President Obama has become a ruthless dictator, often acting above the law, feared worse than the leaders in their own countries.
However, my experience with the USPP made it more than clear that such officers, and many of our current Democrat leaders, including the President, and certainly in San Francisco where a Democrat stronghold is gerrymandered to inappropriately maintain power, are seriously in need of “Charm School”.
By “Charm School” what I mean two things;
1). Behavior training to shine a light on those who fail to “Protect and Serve” honorably and with integrity to address their unprofessional conduct, and for their general policy failures that do not “Protect and Serve” the citizens of the United States, let alone provide a shred of common courtesy or accountability.
2). The best “Charm School” known is to simply vote as many of the rude, discourteous and unprofessional Democrats out of office in the 2014 mid term elections so that learning of proper manners can be internalized on their own “vacations” away from the halls of power they have so badly abused.
It is also clear that the behaviors I witnessed are a direct result of the belligerent law breaking violations of the United States Constitution by our President, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and many others in the corrupt administration now in power.
Barack Obama and his law breaking minions in the current Democrat administration have demonstrated bad example after bad example, thereby encouraging other official agencies (including State, Federal and Municipal law enforcement) to emulate the same unacceptable behavior on the innocent citizenry of our country instead of serving them honorably.
Much like the Fort Point Lighthouse (pictured left), now rusting from abuse and lack of care, so too has President Barack Obama abused his position thinking the US Constitution is an old rusty monument he and his allies can abandon and manipulate whenever they please.
For goodness sakes people, what has become of the country we love, the leaders, and officers we all used to admire?
Fortunately, for me, that night, just before the United States of America’s greatest holiday, July 4th, road side assistance arrived a few minutes later after the officer indicated (threatened once again) that he was about to have me towed for simply having a dead battery!
Sadly, our children may not be so lucky when they have been continually abused by the likes of a lawless President in Barack Obama and his abusive minions.
People who fail to “Protect and Serve” by sneaking flawed corrupt health care and smoke and mirror energy tax breaks through congress that only favors their cronies need “Charm School”.
“Charm School” is also needed for people like the corrupt Democrats who have failed to provide for our well being, the jobs, the energy independence, and thereby the economic vitality of the United States we all need to be able to “Protect and Serve” with Honor, Integrity and Pride.
Counterpoint from Canada by Pat!
I love living in Canada. I really do. Although it is common knowledge among my family and friends that I am not a fan of our current Prime Minister, Stephen Harper and his party, there are many things about Canadian culture and social policy that, to me, make Canada a great place to live including the professional nature of our law enforcement, the RCMP.
I have had a number of animated chats with my American friends about why Canadian social programs would be, I think, useful in America, and they have shared with me, why they think these same programs would not be so good; things like affordable health care (paid for by our energy resources, unlike the unfair tax system in the USA), and post secondary education for everyone, an independent public broadcaster (the CBC), and, of course, our common sense energy policy have been some of the topics of debate, but nevertheless pay for our beneficial social programs unlike Barack Obama’s foolish “war on energy”, including his ridiculous stalling on the Keystone XL Pipeline system.
None of these things matter very much, of course, if you are afraid of the very people who are put in charge of keeping you, as a citizen, safe (as Kenn has shared above). No matter what the reasoning, being assumed guilty until proven innocent, by simply being in a public place, is not the kind of service someone expects from their local authorities.
In Canada, we are a complacent and tolerant people; perhaps, too complacent. I wonder what we would do, as Canadian citizens, if our police began acting like the police in countries like China and North Korea.
It has not happened yet, but Canadians often see our government following American policy. Yes, there are times when this has not been the case. Canada has not followed America headlong into some of its wars.
We have not, until recently, even been as concerned about protecting our political leaders as our American neighbors have. Back in the 1980’s, I recall being able to meet the Prime Minister of the day as he walked to work on Parliament Hill from his official residence a couple of blocks away. I was able to walk up to him, introduce myself and ask him what his latest goals were for the country, without interruption from any security people. Sadly, that has changed. Canada has followed American policy and now we protect our leaders almost as obsessively as America.
Perhaps that is the problem. When you get it into your head that anyone may be your enemy, you start to believe that everyone is your enemy. Canadians have been raised to believe that we should look out for each other. That is why we have universal and affordable health care and education. Canadians are shocked to hear stories of people losing their homes in the U.S because they cannot afford to pay their medical bills. I have friends in the U.S who have such huge university loans, that they will be middle aged before they pay those loans off. To me, that is staggering.
Most shocking to me is when I have travelled to the U.S and experienced the paranoia most Americans seem to have about their own country and their own neighbors. I have had conversations with friends who state that, as republicans, they believe that if the U.S does not remain vigilant against everyone else on the planet, then other countries will attack the U.S without provocation. I keep thinking, why would they? The U.S has enough weaponry that any leader foolish enough to try such a stunt would not last long.
This brings me to the most amazing action I have witnessed as a writer and a student of U.S and Canadian politics. Americans, who have historically turned their weapons outward to obliterate any possible external threat, have now turned them inward. The external threat now seems to be the American people, themselves.
Maybe there is an agenda that the people do not know about. Maybe it is because the Occupy movement frightened the big shots in their ivory towers. Whatever the reason, Americans in positions of power have decided that they will not tolerate anything other than blind obedience from their own people. At least, that is my perception as an outsider. So, you are probably asking yourselves, why this is any of my business, or why should I care? The answer is simple; because, what happens in America often spills over into the rest of the world.
You may remember that I said I love being a Canadian. I do not want that to change. I want Canada to continually be the freedom loving, provider of social services that I love. Canadians pride ourselves on being polite, friendly, kind, thoughtful, and yes, boring. From what I have seen of the United States, so far, Canada sounds pretty good.
With the NSA scandal and the American government chasing down a whistleblower, I have to wonder, what kind of country do Canadians live next to? Does that change who we are as a country? Are we becoming the East Germany to America’s Soviet Union? I sure hope not.
So, what do we call a political system where government officials set up top-secret programs to spy on their citizens en masse, where government officials repeatedly lie to the public with no consequences, and where whistle blowers are hunted down by the government and charged with treason while “White House sources” and “senior administration officials” continue to selectively leak information to friendly journalists, defending every governmental abuse under the cover of anonymity?
And what do we call a political system where the executive claims the power to bomb citizens out of the sky at will, in the name of their own safety?
What has America become where men and women who have been handed a badge and are charged with upholding the peace and serving the public now uphold the peace at any cost?
I have always respected and admired a certain quote by a famous American:
“They that can give up liberty to obtain a little safety deserve neither.” ~ Benjamin Franklin.
Stay tuned as Kenn from RockwaterReports announces more of our new Real News series in the future!
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Thank you.
Best Regards,
Good article,
Our President is the worst in American history for being a dictator and stopping energy in the USA.
Hi Larry,
Thank you for your comment.
I do not know if I agree with you on Barack Obama being the worst President in USA history. He has wisely followed President George W. Bush’s policies regarding Drones to wipe out Al-Qaeda and he did do well in 2010 to bring President’s Bill Clinton and George W. Bush to help organize relief for the Haitian earthquake in 2010. He also did the right thing in Libya to free the people treated like slaves by Muammar al-Gaddafi … until he screwed the pooch in Bengahzi.
However, there is no doubt that as far as settling bad examples as this article documents (by violating the constitution and not telling the truth), Obama is the worst President in history;
Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS abuse, NSA Abuse, no Energy policy, crony bribes to phony “green energy” pay backs to Solyndra, Fisker “Karma” and abuse of the EPA in his “War on Energy” that has cost the United States tens of millions of jobs that would have balanced the Federal budget as but a few examples.
Not to mention that unlike Canada who leverages ANWR energy to pay for their health care system, President Obama has deliberately chosen to keep America enslaved to his own form of slavery; economic welfare dependency.
Thanks again for a nice comment.
Best Regards,
Kenn Weeks of RockwaterReports