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On December 14, 2019 an effort by this Managing Editor was instituted to encourage people to return to cordial open debate behavior on Twitter during Washington Journal without slinging hateful comments at each other.
This effort was based upon a general degradation in cordial behavior observed since Donald Trump was elected by an Electoral College Landslide Victory.
As a result of these unseemly developments, it was sincerely suggested that all try to:
1. Promote open debate
2. Bring facts, end sniping, race baiting and blocking other (Twitter) users
3. If Congress can debate, why can’t we?
4. Let each of us renew a personal pledge to conduct civil discourse, get along this morning and every day. Thank You and God Bless All.
The good news is that the effort, so far, has been largely successful with most, but not all Washington Journal tweeters agreeing to behave themselves when debating issues during the C-SPAN program.
Back Story:
Initially established in late 2008 and activated in early 2009, Managing Editor of Rockwater Reports, Kenn split his Twitter presence into a separate timelines in early 2011. His personal account was to be used exclusively for politics, charity and human interest stories.

All tweets were predominantly based on watching an outstanding C-SPAN program known as Washington Journal each morning beginning at 4:00 am Pacific time each day that centered on activities in Congress and Washington DC. Some tweets were related to local and or state activities.

Kenn had been watching since 1979 when C-SPAN was founded, but initially C-SPAN was not a call in program. Viewer “Call-In” began in 1980. I would try to call upon occasion, however it was difficult to do so with my work schedule at that time. The first televised broadcast was in October 1980 when a program called “Journal” was televised from the National Press Club.
Kenn had been calling in to Washington Journal regularly for fourteen years prior when the call in program began in earnest in January 1995. Weekend programs were initially only two hours long, but were expanded to three hours in January 2001.

There was (and still supposedly is despite flagrant violators), a 30 day rule before you were allowed to call again. Kenn always waited the requisite 30 days before calling again.
Overseas business assignments during that time period meant watching C-SPAN live was not easy to do since virtually no one in Europe or Asia carried the program. Some hotels had it on satellite, but they were few and far between.

Nevertheless, these were heady times since no other network had done what Washington Journal and C-SPAN founder Brian Lamb and later Susan Swain did; bring a nationwide call in program from the heart of the United States Capital for viewers to share their thoughts with everyone live on television!
While there were occasional guest hosts, Mr. Lamb and Ms Swain, hosted virtually all the early programs and became a fixture in my household. In the beginning, there was no social media presence. In March 2009 with the advent of Twitter, Kenn found it easier to interact with Washington Journal, and began tweeting to the timeline of regular viewers, many of whom still participate to this very day.
Things on social media were civil for the most part during the administration of President Obama. In 2013, when the Presidency of Barack Obama began its second term, this web site was founded with a Canadian counterpoint writer who, late in 2013, became ill and unable to write the required weekly analysis on subjects that affected North America, specifically, energy and health related items.
Kenn continued to operate the web site occasionally posting interviews and articles until May 2016 when it was backed up, archived and taken off-line due to a new set of professional commitments that precluded posting regular Real News articles.
Sideways Social Media Sewage Late Second Decade 21st Century:

It was shortly thereafter, subsequent to when Donald Trump announced that he would run for President of the United States, that it became apparent that many on social media were becoming outright vicious towards each other in general, and in specific, to the official Republican Presidential candidate who ultimately become the next President of the United States.
In the late fall of 2016, despite well publicized cheating at the DNC to knock out Senator Bernie Sanders out of Election 2016, it became apparent that Hillary Clinton was not doing well even among Democrats and would lose the Electoral College in a landslide to Donald Trump. This despite the MSM Miscreants who kept trying to prop up the failed Clinton Presidential effort claiming Ms. Clinton would win 90% against Mr Trump. Most Citizens knew better.
It was decided that until a new President was elected, and had been in office at least two years, that this web site would remain inactive, in archive off-line mode to observe and document social media reaction, and the behavior of the Main Stream News Media.

Subsequent to when Donald Trump was elected, things turned extremely nasty due to constant lying and Fake News from the MSM Miscreants. The behavior of the Democrats on Twitter became obsessive and hateful with death threats and outright mendacious behavior being tweeted by many on Twitter.
Egged on by the malevolent MSM Miscreants, it seemed that only Washington Journal as a broadcast news site could be trusted since virtually all of their content was based on live and recorded hearings in the United States Congress and at the White House.
Despite this fact, the Twitter Dems, as a group, continued to exhibit poor behavioral choices, with significant spill over onto the Washington Journal timeline in 2017, 2018 and throughout 2019. Many honest Citizens had therefore stopped participating due to this constant haranguing, resulting in the WJAM timeline being attacked on a daily basis with crude foul mouthed behavior and language.

In late 2019 two decisions were made to enhance participation in the WJAM daily timeline with a new group of cordial Citizens, and to reopen this web site so as to effectively serve Real News to counter the daily hatred expressed towards those they disagree with.
Our successful efforts to date have resulted in many Conservative voices returning to participate in the Washington Journal timeline each day!
It is our hope here at Rockwater Reports that all United States Citizens will learn to behave themselves during Election 2020. Thank you.
Stay tuned as Kenn from Rockwater Reports announces more of our new Real News series in the future!
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Thank you.
Best Regards,
Long time supporter, and thought I’d drop a comment.
Your wordpress site is very sleek
Keep up the good work– and hope you all take care of yourself during the coronavirus scare!