Impeachment Hoax Queen Bungling Blackmailer Speaker Pelosi Throws In the Towel to Senator McConnell!


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Speaker Nancy Pelosi

United States House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Queen of Impeachment Hoaxes, has thrown in the towel on her bungled attempt to blackmail Senator Mitch McConnell and the United States Senate announcing to lawmakers today, Friday January 10, 2020 that she would proceed with sending the passed articles of fake Impeachment over to the United States Senate next week.

As we have previously reported, Speaker Pelosi finally realized that Donald Trump, the President of the United States is not actually Impeached until the Articles of Impeachment and House Managers are actually presented to the Senate per the United States Constitution interlocking sections coupled with the mandatory requisite Standing Rules of the House of Representatives.


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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Speaker Pelosi admitted her long expected defeat one day after saying she’d send the Articles of Impeachment “when I’m ready” to Senator Mitch McConnell yesterday on Thursday. January 09, 2019.

This subsequent to nearly a month of blackmail by Speaker Pelosi after her Sham Impeachment was railroaded through the United States House of Representatives.

In a letter whereby Speaker Pelosi wrote a dear colleagues format letter transmitted earlier today; “I have asked Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler to be prepared to bring to the Floor next week a resolution to appoint managers and transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate”.

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Donald Trump President of the United States

If Speaker Pelosi is actually telling the truth for a change, and sends the Articles of Impeachment and holds a vote to appoint Impeachment Managers, sending them at an appointed time to the Senate next week, then, and only then, will our President, Donald Trump officially be considered impeached and stand trial for the fabricated House Democrats mendacity foisted on all of the Citizens of the United States and our duly elected President.

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3 thoughts on “Impeachment Hoax Queen Bungling Blackmailer Speaker Pelosi Throws In the Towel to Senator McConnell!

  1. Well stated, Kenn!

    What’s a House Speaker to do? Her caucus has been hijacked by radicals of all sorts and stripes (Marxists like Bernie Sanders, anti-Semitic votives like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, self-infatuated demagogues like AOC) along with a Democrat support base that has allowed themselves to remain in a state of shell shock simply because an election did not go according to their schemes in 2016. They demanded something – ANYTHING! – to be done to get rid of the thing that embodies all the frustrations of their failure as a party, and that thing is Trump. After the Mueller report did not produce the means to oust him, they went with a phone call, claiming it contained some strong-arming (a tactic they are familiar with since they use it so often themselves).

    … and on that note… What? Is that presidential Candidate Joe Biden on camera retelling how he told Ukraine they would not be getting a cent of US support unless they fired a prosecutor investigating Burisma, where Hunter Biden was positioned as a board member, making huge money?

    Projection is really a thing, it turns out. This is a whole party projecting all its soul sickness, perpetually attempting to lay the load on Trump, making him the proverbial Scapegoat for all their own sins. It is a oft-used tactic of narcissists.

    But let’s not cry for Nancy. She wanted to lead the House again, and this is the House she created for herself. And now she is doing a frenzied gavel-dance while her own home district burns with human poop on the streets, crime that runs rampant, and syringe needles and tents littering the sidewalks.

    This is the justice of natural consequences.

    1. Hi Katherine ‍♂️
      Thank you for your comment. Speaker Pelosi still has not Impeached President Trump and said today she has no regrets that she has withheld the ImpeachmentHoax Articles or failed to appoint Managers.
      Yesterday she doubled down on her failure to adhere to Constitution and interlocking Standing House of Representatives rules. Unbelievable
      “The President has been impeached – and no amount of gamesmanship from Leader McConnell will erase that fact”
      Thanks again.
      Have a nice day

    2. Hi Katherine,

      Thank you for your comment. I agree 100% about the entire crowd of Democrats that have weaponized Impeachment to cover up the crimes of Barack Obama and Joe Biden using Ukraine as a slush fund with taxpayer money. Not to mention Speaker Pelosi and others whose own children were involved with Burisma in their Play to Pay schemes.

      Best Regards,

      Kenn of #RockwaterReports

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