Welcome Back Citizens,
We resume our coverage of various aspects of politics subsequent to Election 2024 with an analysis of an interesting topic delineated below that has an undisputed effect on elections in the 21st Century. We will return in the future with detailed analysis on other topics prior to the 2026 midterm elections throughout 2025 this year.
Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network:

As many are aware, the Rockwater Reports Managing Editor and many of his followers consider C-SPAN to be a jewel of information on political happenings within the United States government for the past 46 years. C-SPAN is officially known as the Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-SPAN).
C-SPAN is an American cable and satellite television network that began broadcasting on March 19, 1979 with the founding membership in 1978 as a nonprofit corporation for public service broadcasting featuring a political focus for it’s viewers and listeners.

C-SPAN was founded under the able leadership of it’s creator Brian Lamb, his longtime co-host, former CEO and Senior Executive Susan Swain recently retired. This is a loss since Ms. Swain was a voice of moderation that viewers often turned to to address blatant bias by certain hosts. As well a trusted behind the scenes direction has been provided by Rob Kennedy. over the past 46 years. C-SPAN’s Lamb, who remains involved, turned over operational control to his two most noteworthy lieutenants, Kennedy and Swain during the 33 year anniversary year of C-SPAN in 2012.
Mr. Lamb is still involved with producing various programs and is believed to influence the day to day management of it’s broadcasts when current certain hosts have drifted from it’s core mission. All three of these iconic persons are respected throughout the television industry for good reason with many of the Main Stream Media (MSM) conducting research based upon the hundreds of thousands of hours located in their video library that dates back to 1987. C-SPAN faces daunting challenges ahead if they are to remain an unbiased public service beacon. One program, discussed below, has potentially threatened their credibility several times in the past decade. However, the main mission of reporting on Congress has continued reliably.

Utilizing a popular slogan “Your Unfiltered View Of Government”, C-SPAN, which has over 2 million followers on X, has many offerings on their television channels C-SPAN1, with primary focus on the United States House of Representatives. C-SPAN2 which began broadcasting on June 2, 1986, with a primary focus on the United States Senate has now shifted to “Democracy Unfiltered” when in fact the United States is a Republic!
C-SPAN added a third channel which began broadcasting on January 22, 2001. Known as CSPAN3, this channel offers a varied focus including United States government hearings, the United States Supreme Court, the British Parliament, British Prime Ministers Questions, the Canadian Parliament and other worldwide government programs that may be of interest to the general United States public. Each of these channels are often highlighted by Howard Mortman who shares images of the events that he either takes himself or are available to him from the Press Pool sources that he monitors on a constant basis including valuable broadcasts of Senate Confirmation Hearings conducted January 17, 2025.

All of these programs are also available on C-SPAN radio from WCSP-FM that also allows listeners to stream audio programs on the C-SPAN Radio App. C-SPAN recently began a popular new service known as the C-SPAN Now App where live events, recent media and various archives of C-SPAN programs can be viewed globally through software for Apple iOS and Android mobile devices.
Although C-SPAN does not publish ratings, it’s radio, television and streaming service are available via cable, satellite and other streaming services in the United States, and elsewhere on the Internet around the world with a potential audience estimated to be approximately 150 million people. However, the decline of cable services in favor of streaming has reduced the reach by an estimated 50 to 75 million .
When we refer to C-SPAN as a “jewel” of American television, let’s be absolutely clear; What we mean is that it’s ultimate value to viewers and listeners is the ability of United States Citizens to watch and listen to Congress, the Supreme Court, and various aspects of the Executive Branch while they perform their duties. C-SPAN broadcasts without commercial interruption.

This valuable service allows the citizenry to make their own decisions on whom they will vote for in the next election cycle with an honest look at “Your Unfiltered View Of Government” featuring over 273,000 hours of video archives spanning the decades since it’s inception.
C-SPAN Book TV was launched in September 1998 with several other specialty programs including Q&A, a Sunday evening interview program, Student Cam Competition, and the popular C-SPAN Bus which has toured the United States to visit areas of interest to the citizenry, all of which may be featured on the C-SPAN Now App.
Washington Journal:

C-SPAN offers a daily resource to it’s many followers, a program named Washington Journal that is broadcast each morning that we refer to as WJAM (Washington Journal AM). Broadcasting for up to 3 hours each day, unless the House of Representatives comes in early.
WJAM has been known to go overtime upon rare occasions for important topics such as a recent Biden Afghanistan Catastrophe segment and a single (only the second named Border issue segment in the past 48 months), when the WJAM host decided to go nearly 20 minutes overtime.

Washington Journal premiered on January 4, 1995. It is the only nationwide call-in program that allows Liberals, Independents, and Conservatives to call every day to express their thoughts about the topics offered in what are known as “Named Segments” whereby the subject matter narrative of a segment is set by the host / producers at C-SPAN.
This Editor has watched since WJAM officially began for over 30 years on a near daily basis and C-SPAN broadcasts since 1979. Unless traveling on business, in which case I catch up on-line, the program begun by Mr. Lamb and Ms. Swain is an important look inside the Washington DC “Beltway”. Although the network has featured call in viewers as early as August 1979, the C-SPAN WJAM program name was made official as noted above on the date mentioned.
In March 2009, the same month that our Managing Editor joined X (formerly Twitter), WJAM begin taking questions from viewers in large numbers via WJTopics posts. C-SPAN WJAM began a presence on Facebook in 2011 and recently added Instagram as as a third social media option. Instagram WJAM has only a few thousand followers. We fondly recall when WJAM on Twitter had fewer followers than our Managing Editor who constantly removes fake followers to reflect real follower counts. With over 67,000 followers, many of which appear to be fake followers, what has perplexed many news agencies, including ours, is that WJAM has over 30 times fewer followers than the main C-SPAN Twitter account. Are there reasons for such a wide disparity? Is it because they allow President Trump haters to drone on when they call the program?
Beginning in late 2017 and accelerating to 2022, to the sincere dismay of loyal viewers who use X (Twitter) as a primary social media news access point, WJAM began cutting back drastically on reading viewer tweet questions and comments. This despite the fact that social media viewers outnumber callers by a factor of at least 500 to 1. To make matters worse, with some exceptions, WJAM is often no longer even mentioning the names of the posters except for two shill accounts they read. Sadly, some hosts during 2021-2025 hosts read no posts on a given day, if they read any at all.

Moreover, analysis of the WJAM X followers tweeting reveals that approximately 50% of the tweets on the daily timeline are from Sock Puppet Troll (fake or bot) accounts that have not posted in many years, or only pop up only to harass legitimate viewers. This tactic is an obvious attempts to distract honest Citizens who have legitimate questions during the time WJAM airs for up to three hours each day.

Our proprietary research has confirmed that most of the troll bot accounts are apparently paid Democrat shills designed to stalk the WJAM timeline to harass legitimate viewers who pose legitimate questions and comments. Even though malicious trolling is a crime in the United Kingdom, the miscreants began showing up in large numbers during the 2018 to 2024 election cycles. Our confidential analysis is based, in part, on who the trolls associate with, who they tweet with, how often they do so. Other proprietary mechanisms we have developed over the past 16 years confirm these are often the same persons running multiple fake accounts. The picture is not a pleasant one since these shills are far too often troublemakers that damage the reputation of C-SPAN WJAM with hate speech, even against LGBTQ people with troll posts from one or two accounts that sometimes get read on the air. These shills are often malicious. Therefore, according to the loyal WJAM viewers respectfully suggest that whomever is running the WJAM Twitter account do what all social media users do, clean their followers of Trolls by blocking these “sleeper” accounts to clear out the malcontents, documenting same in a database. If the blocked account comes back under a different name but using the same syntax, add notes on when and if they offer genuine questions and comments or simply harass WJAM tweeters. In this case, such accounts from the DNC Troll Farms should be permanently blocked and reported to Twitter Safety to protect legitimate WJAM viewer tweeters from constant harassment.

To compound the situation, Washington Journal, during the first throiugh the fifth year of the Biden presidency produced ZERO Named Segments regarding President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris myriad failiures. This fact is juxtaposed with 19 anti Donald Trump as President segments during his first year in office with over 20,000 negative mentions of POTUS45 by hosts and callers versus hosts that, until recently, would hang up on callers who offered critical comments about the current President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris since at least January 2021, conducting named Biden segments that are critical of the current President, Washington DC politicians, with only one segment on the bribes Joe’s Biden’s family received from China and Russia communists based on the now verified “Hunter Biden Laptop”. The fact that up until this week there were ZERO segments on the myriad failures of relevant Executive Branch agencies serving President Biden, led many to conclude a bias exists at WJAM.

The WJAM program has instead, far too often, offered segments that have nothing to do with current political events in Washington DC instead promoting topics for callers who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) topics.
As listed below, there has been a tendency by WJAM hosts to deliberately avoid important, albeit controversial topics over the past 48 months. As an example, over 200 COVID19 segments repeated the same things over and over ad nausea and 89 segments on Russia’s War on Ukraine versus ZERO “Named Segments on President Biden Afghanistan fiasco”.
The tendency over the past couple of years for WJAM to deflect from reporting on important Beltway news, specifically anything that named President Biden in a fashion that is critical and constructive of his failed Presidency has been a major disappointment to viewers, callers and tweeters. Most have not been shy to express that they expect relevant subject matter, including, but not limited to the topics below.
Only 8 segments total the past five years, ZERO in the past year on Joe Biden’s disastrous energy policy resulting in subsequent skyrocketing prices.
Only 8 segments total on the Biden Border policy using “Title 42” as cover and unconstitutional CBP App allowing MILLIONS of illegal aliens invaders.
ZERO segments on the subject of restoring United States Energy Independence manifest under President Trump who will soon return as POTUS47.
ZERO segments critical of President Biden multiple failed catastrophic border policies.
ZERO segments on Fusion and Nuclear Energy despite repeated viewer requests.
ZERO segments on inflation caused by President Biden spending policy.
ZERO segments on China TikTok Spygate.
Failure to Name Segments – No Conservative Hosts:

As mentioned above, since 2017 the WJAM program often appears to deliberately leave out the names of those at fault in the Joe Biden Executive Branch and Democrat Oligarchs, often being paid by taxpayers, This factor to not have “Named Segments” that are critical of the Biden administration and the equally corrupt Democrat Congress Critters has been noted for the past five years in myriad tweets and calls from Liberal, Independent, and Conservative viewers who are not only disappointed, but are often disgusted with segments that have nothing to do with the Federal Government or with the United States Congress members never ending waste, fraud and abuse.

WJAM has taken to hiding more and more behind the use of “Top News of the Week or Day” or “Open Forum” (formerly Open Phone) segments which are actually highly filtered segments with the hosts burning up caller time with mundane segments promoting progressive propaganda of TDS segments. Sometimes at the beginning of the program, but most often as a segue to guest segments or during the last minutes of the daily broadcast, these “Open Forum” segments are a disservice to viewers. During “Open Phones” random comments or reading headlines often defeat the purpose of “Open Forum”. Moreover, WJAM hosts far too often burn up time which is supposed to be, or should be, reserved for callers, social media, texts and X posted comments. Since the “Open Forums” are not “Named Segments”, they cannot be easily searched at the C-SPAN website.

On a related topic of Named Segments, many callers are “30 Day Rule” violators who bring up the same hateful topics each week. Such people are not stopped by the hosts even though viewers recognize the voices. Often are filled with few if any facts that direct hate towards whomever they are angry with at the present time, often towards President Donald Trump. Worse, what is discussed has little or no association to the politicians who shape the top policy issues in Washington DC that are of real concern to United States Citizens.
We sincerely share that fabricated impeachments of President Trump, endless health, medical, failed COVID regulations in States, School Choice versus corrupt school unions, SAT Tests, books written by sitting politicians (that belong on the Book TV program), or useless Climate Change Hoax segments, do NOT meet the category of important “Your Unfiltered View Of Government” Washington DC issues. The use of such “no one named” WJAM segments offers viewers no ability to be able to hold anyone in Washington DC to account for their misguided actions and their neverending waste, fraud and abuse of United States Citizens taxpayer money. Reporting on “Pork” waste fraud and abuse is something CSPAN must do to be considered a valuable public service.
NOTE: Such segments must name the politicians involved without exception or WJAM risks the perception of bias to a particular political party like the one currently in power in Washington DC essentially covering up the failure of Democrats and President Biden inability to govern. Lastly, as a stark example, in 2021, zero WJAM segments named President Biden. The good news is that recently, within the past 2 months, after numerous complaints by viewers, Biden named program segments have finally been produced in 2022, however, none are constructively critical of Joe Biden. This versus nearly 100 on Biden Russia / Ukraine Wag The Dog, Biden failed Build Back Better legislative policy, including one segment on his so called Energy policy which has been nothing less than a complete disaster.
In contrast, over the same period of time for President Trump’s first year in office, over 20 negative segments that named Trump were featured as broadcasts with many question and comment tweets read. Contrast this with 2021 to date, where no viewer tweets critical of Biden, Schumer or Pelosi have been read on air during Washington Journal.
Good News For Loyal Viewers:

After hundred’s of thousands of callers, and myriad posts expressing frustration with WJAM over the past five years, C-SPAN TPTB appears to have finally gotten the message with a return to “Your (Our) Unfiltered View Of Government”. Hopefully, WJAM will become unfiltered as they were prior to 2018.
The tendency of attacking the callers had became a favorite past time for the hosts. For TPTB at CSPAN to regain their WJAM viewers trust, they must continue to change course during this election year.
WJAM must hold the ruling Democrats in power to account, specifically President Biden, Senator Schumer, and Speaker Pelosi for their failed legislative behavior, lack of accomplishments. WJAM should read many tweets each day that are critical of the ruling Democrats.
If WJAM fails to do so, they risk becoming an endless echo chamber of only like minded Sock Puppet Troll accounts on their social media timelines. Despite thousands of posts from all political persuasions requesting meaningful segments, WJAM seemed to have gone tone deaf, refusing to report the daily issues that are of importance to viewer voters.
These include, but are not limited to the following Named Segment opportunities in the upcoming President Trump POTUS47 :
Inflation Reduction
Energy Independence
Grocery Food Prices
China Infiltration of USA
Illegal Invasion Border Crisis
Deport All Illegal Alien Criminals
End Title 42 Abuse of and by President Biden
Corruption by Democrat Politicians Bribed by China Communists in Congress
Meaningful Election Integrity (not fake so called unconstitutional legislation foisted by corrupt Senate Democrats in Congress)
We leave you with a bit of reflection about the dangers of an echo chamber versus a real President, Donald J. Trump. This song by Linkin Park trended on X (Twitter) four years ago. This full length version illustrates that the current Administration and the Democrat Congress Critters time is at an end. They have NOT been working for bipartisanship for the benefit of the Citizens of the United States. Instead they have accepted bribes from Communist China, Iran and Russia, having accomplished almost nothing as a result except placing out country over 37 trillion dollars in debt!
That all changes back to normalcy on Monday January 20, 2025 with President Trump. We hope that C-SPAN will be fair and turns away from it’s five year OCD TDS Named Segments far too often pandering to MarxistMiscreants!
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Or as many of our readers and visitors often do, visit Rockwater Reports on X, or visit me on X by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story. I and the Rockwater Reports team look forward to visiting again in the future for more Real News.
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Best Regards,