Welcome back to Rockwater Reports, pan·dem·ic /panˈdemik/ noun An outbreak (of a disease) over a whole country or the world. An article about infectious diseases would, no doubt, call to mind the COVID-19 Wuhan Virus pandemic. The reader might anticipate that this article, and the two that will succeed it, […]
Communist Party USA
Barack Obama
Bernie Sanders
Bill Clinton
Communist Party USA
Constitution Party
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Donald Trump
Green Party USA
H. Ross Perot
Libertarian Party
Newt Gingrich
Political Corruption
President Donald Trump
President George H. W. Bush
President George W. Bush
President George W. Bush
President Ronald Reagan
Reform Party
Ronald Reagan
Senator Bernie Sanders
Senator Robert Dole
Welcome back to Rockwater Reports, DISCLAIMER: I do not speak as an authority on the role of Independents in our political system. However, what I would like to do is explore this topic with you on what impact the Independent voting block seems to have on our predominantly two-party system.. […]