Welcome back to Rockwater Reports, your trusted home for Real News! In Part 1 I attempted to define, by method of analogy, what makes America alive and healthy and the strongest nation in the world. I defined the strength of our nation by its heart: The United States Constitution. In Part […]
Welcome back to Rockwater Reports, DISCLAIMER: I am continuing to explore a mammoth subject that is impossible to cover completely (Please see To Tell the Truth About Tribalism, Part One). Where I oversimplify (because it’s impossible to not), please know that is it my heart to fairly address the overarching […]
Welcome Back to Rockwater Reports, DISCLAIMER: I am about to undertake a mammoth subject that is something similar to the mythological hecatoncheires in both size and number of heads and limbs. As I tackle this monster subject, if you think I oversimplify (because it’s impossible to not), please know that […]
Hello again, Energy, like “Money”, has become the currency of the modern age as Pink Floyd song from 1973 taught us some 40 years ago. I am proud to share in this opinion editorial that we here in Canada, liberals, conservatives and independents alike, learned those lessons long ago. As […]
Hello fellow energy users of the world, “Unlike the United States which has a floundering, in fact, a failed energy policy under the corrupt leadership of President Barack Obama, in Canada the citizens rejoice that their government leverages energy to pay for health care and many other aspects of their […]
Canadian democracy is a mess. This might be a strange statement coming from a Canadian to American readers. Especially considering the desire many Republicans had after President Obama was re-elected, to relocate to Canada. Americans are also concerned that their democracy no longer works. POINT: Sadly, since Stephen Harper became […]