Welcome back to Rockwater Reports, Your Home for Trusted, Honest, Real News! On December 14, 2019 an effort by this Managing Editor was instituted to encourage people to return to cordial open debate behavior on Twitter during Washington Journal without slinging hateful comments at each other. This effort was based […]
President Barack Obama
Welcome back Election 2020 Patriots! Thank goodness the United States of America has had a real POTUS in Donald Trump serving with distinction at our nations White House for the past three years. Together with Vice President Mike Pence and his wonderful wife, Melania Trump our fabulous FLOTUS the election […]
Welcome back citizens, Today I watched a lot of the ACA TrainWreck contractors testify before Congress, specifically the United States House of Representatives “Energy and Commerce” committee which is one of the major committees that has jurisdiction. Below is a note of humor that I tweeted earlier to deflect the sad […]
To all those against the use of Chemical Weapons, Environmental Fraud and Energy can wait a few days. So can the unreal number one trending topic earlier today on Twitter that was reported by the Main Stream Media; For goodness sakes people, an unknown “strike” by McDonald’s employees is more […]
Hello citizens of North America, While American politicians, tree huggers, lawyers and average citizens bicker about the price of gas and the safety of pipelines like Keystone XL, long proven to be the safest way to transport oil and other products, we here in Canada are quietly putting through another […]
Welcome back citizens, By now you all know that another great regional city in the United States, Detroit, controlled for the past 50 years by the debtor party, by which I mean The Democrats, whom have made Detroit bankrupt with Legacy Costs known since 2011 that threatens to destroy not […]
Welcome back citizens, Last time in our series on energy challenges in the United States, we shared with you about how the commercial California Solar Power Industry has been virtually destroyed by overzealous, radical groups like The Sierra Club, Earth First, Defenders of Wildlife and the Natural Resources Defense Council […]
Welcome back! We begin the second half of our live radio shows in 2013 with a return to human interest programming after a series of entertainment conventions we have covered during the first half of 2013. This program is one dear to my heart after scheduling the program earlier this […]
Hello again, Energy, like “Money”, has become the currency of the modern age as Pink Floyd song from 1973 taught us some 40 years ago. I am proud to share in this opinion editorial that we here in Canada, liberals, conservatives and independents alike, learned those lessons long ago. As […]
It’s sad but true citizens! It has been nearly 40 years since we first heard about the “Solex Agitator” from James Bond 007 via the classic MGM Studios film “The Man With the Golden Gun” (1974). And just what have the United States regulatory agencies and politicians learned about supporting […]