Welcome back to Rockwater Reports, your trusted home for Real News! One would think that with the recent passing of Representative John Lewis, a United States Civil Rights icon, that protesting Citizens would respect his passing by moderating their behavior and actually protest peacefully? Sadly, the death of this peaceful […]


Welcome back to Rockwater Reports, Your Home for Trusted, Honest, Real News! Great news Citizens! United States House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Queen of Impeachment Hoaxes, has thrown in the towel on her bungled attempt to blackmail Senator Mitch McConnell and the United States Senate announcing to lawmakers today, […]


Welcome back! We begin the second half of our live radio shows in 2013 with a return to human interest programming after a series of entertainment conventions we have covered during the first half of 2013. This program is one dear to my heart after scheduling the program earlier this […]

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