Welcome back to Rockwater Reports, your trusted home for Real News! One would think that with the recent passing of Representative John Lewis, a United States Civil Rights icon, that protesting Citizens would respect his passing by moderating their behavior and actually protest peacefully? Sadly, the death of this peaceful […]
World War Two
To all those against the use of Chemical Weapons, Environmental Fraud and Energy can wait a few days. So can the unreal number one trending topic earlier today on Twitter that was reported by the Main Stream Media; For goodness sakes people, an unknown “strike” by McDonald’s employees is more […]
Welcome back citizens, By now you all know that another great regional city in the United States, Detroit, controlled for the past 50 years by the debtor party, by which I mean The Democrats, whom have made Detroit bankrupt with Legacy Costs known since 2011 that threatens to destroy not […]
Welcome back citizens, Last time in our series on energy challenges in the United States, we shared with you about how the commercial California Solar Power Industry has been virtually destroyed by overzealous, radical groups like The Sierra Club, Earth First, Defenders of Wildlife and the Natural Resources Defense Council […]
Hello citizens of the United States, Canada, and the World! Today we are going to share a story that spans five decades. Juxtaposing the “then” with the “now”. We ask that you consider the content carefully. The starkness of the reality to be discussed should be considered a warning regarding […]
Welcome to 2013 for a task I promised to complete, In 2012, humanity lost many critically acclaimed individuals to death. While dying is part of life on our fair planet, some are not ready to die, while others prepare for it. As we will discuss herein, those ready to move […]
Welcome seekers of truth about the failures of the Main Stream Media reporting about energy on television and elsewhere! This report will be the first of several editorials about Energy. Today we will focus on carbon based energy, coal, oil, natural gas, and how President Barack Obama has provided the […]